by Dea G.
This is a response to the online article by Anne Gus entitled "Asian Women Need to Stop Dating White Men", because I think it´s not a funny satire.
I´m an Asian, a Filipino with some drops of Chinese blood in me. On the other hand, my fiancee is a white guy, quite tall with blue eyes and rosy cheeks. He´s from Norway, a conservatively liberal country with very nice fjords and awesome nature. After two years of chatting online and having a cyber relationship, I decided to come to Norway to finally meet him, carrying with me a hopeful and brave heart and my family´s tremendous support.
Things came out to be better than I expected from the moment I saw him at Oslo Gardermoen Airport waiting patiently for me. He traveled six hours to get to the airport, waited for me for a couple of hours, then we took the train for three hours to the student housing where I was supposed to stay. These details are just to tell everyone that this white guy is so patient, while I´m very temperamental (not the stereotyped submissive Asian women that Anne Gus talks about).
We got engaged after a month, and some were asking what went into my mind when I said yes. I got comments like, "But you don´t know him that much! How can you marry someone you just met?" "I wonder why a lot of Filipinos marry with Norwegians." I got many judgmental stares and questions marks were all over their faces. Maybe they wondered if my guy is rich, or how I even got to such an expensive country in the first place.
While I came from a middle class family, it didn´t mean that my family ate bones or rats or that we have no riches at all. My parents actually inherited us one of the most priceless things on earth--education. So I have a bachelor´s degree, and my fiancee is yet to get his. And I´m saying this not to degrade him, but to show that money is not the reason I´m choosing this white guy.
Anne Gus claims in her article that white guys are infected by Yellow Fever (referring to Asians as yellow-skinned humans, hence her term Yellow Fever). She meant that these guys are choosing Asians because they are submissive, and that they want to have partners with softer, more pleasant personalities than Western girls. Well my white guy has to disagree with that, since I´m very straightforward. I say what I want and want I don´t want. I can even be the controlling type sometimes, and with that I represent the non-stereotypical Asians whom Gus chose to not mention in her article.
My white guy is caring, very thoughtful, faithful, and honest. He takes part in the household chores, and would initiate to do it without me saying it. He respects me, and has chosen not to abandon me through thick and thin. Am I crazy to say no when he presented the ring then? So what if he´s still struggling in his studies? So what if I´m struggling with my career? I´ve got no Snow Fever, and he ain´t got Hentai-ism. We were just lucky and blessed that by a leap of faith, love, and prayer, our paths crossed.
That´s how simple it is Anne. I dare Asians to still date white guys. Best of luck.
Read Anne Gus´article here.